HBS Law’s Practice Group Labour and Industrial Relations has extensive experience and expertise in the field of employment and labour-related issues. Our team is dedicated to provide legal advice on enforcement of a labour contracts, internal rules and Collective Bargaining Agreements (CBAs), labour contract terminations and benefits.

Our legal services include among others labour compliance, labour registration, mass-lay-off, shop stewards and strikes, HR strategic advice, staff move in-out, and employment policies. We can assist or/and represent regarding labour disputes either individuals or collective groups. We also provide comprehensive services including obtaining work permits, Employment Cards (Workbook) and/or business visas for foreign employees.

LY Tayseng

Mr. Ly is an experienced business lawyer with demonstrated focus and expertise in the practice areas of Corporate, Banking, Securities, Trusts, M&A, Mining and Energy, Real Estate, Tax, Insolvency, Arbitration, and Commercial Litigation.

PAN Ponlork

Mr. Ponlork is currently a candidate for LL.M in International Business Law, which will be awarded by the Université Libre de Bruxelles (Free University of Brussels), Brussels, and the Royal University of Law and Economics, Cambodia, and expectedly graduate in 2023.
